Fund your political campaign like an expert

Set up your political fundraising campaign for free, and start increasing donations in minutes.

Free to startFund your political campaign like an expert

No contracts. No monthly fees. No spin.

Donorbox is widely used in online political fundraising for city council, judge, district commissioner, mayor, and more. We make it easier than ever to increase contributions—while offering you the lowest fees in the industry.

Start accepting donations in minutes

Just looking to speed this whole thing up?

Add a donation-boosting campaign form to your website in as little as 15 minutes, and start accepting online political donations faster than ever before.

Start accepting donations in minutes

No website? No problem!

Need help getting your message out?

Customize your own political fundraising webpage to tell your story, your way—and we'll host it for you for FREE.

No website? No problem!

Profit from superior donation forms

Want an easier way to increase donations?

Our forms reduce donor drop-off through a 4x faster checkout process—netting you more contributions. Plus, optimize even further with suggested donation amounts, a max donation cap, and much more.

Profit from superior donation forms

Accept contributions by text message

Collecting donations on the trail?

Let supporters send a simple text message to donate from anywhere—during political events, rallies, town halls—wherever your political campaign takes you.

Profit from superior donation forms

Why Donorbox?

Easily follow campaign laws

Easily follow campaign laws

Collect necessary donor information, set contribution limits, and list custom disclaimers on all donation forms.

Sell tickets to your next event

Sell tickets to your next event

Create an online ticketing form to start selling event tickets, fast — and donors can buy tickets without leaving your site!

Offer more ways to donate

Offer more ways to donate

Let supporters donate by scanning QR codes, launching Peer-to-Peer fundraisers, and using next-gen digital payments.

Increasing donations is what we do

Donorbox hit everything we were required in our fundraising software, plus your platform incorporated features we asked for in our early discussions. Now we are seeing everything we wanted and these modifications are more ice cream on the pie.

Austin Meadows

Premium fuel for your political fundraising campaign

Next-level features to help you on your way.

Data tracking & analytics

Save valuable marketing dollars by understanding which political fundraising channels are having the greatest impact.

Data tracking & analytics

Personalized account management

Enjoy highly-personalized customer support from an Account Manager who will be there for you every step of the way.

Personalized account management

Special Peer-to-Peer pricing

If you've seen the benefits of using Peer-to-Peer to boost political fundraising online, you'll love our vastly reduced pricing of only 1.75% through Donobox Premium.

Special Peer-to-Peer pricing

Custom CSS

Keep your trusted branding with Custom CSS: advanced donation campaign form & wepage customization that makes your branding shine.

Special Peer-to-Peer pricing

Resources for political fundraisers

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Donorbox’s political fundraising software make it easy to file with the FEC?

When searching for a political fundraising platform, it’s essential to find a tool that makes it easy to solicit donations from supporters and comply with FEC rules and requirements. Donorbox offers both, with customizable donation forms and FEC-compliant reporting templates for all U.S. political organizations.

The Federal Election Committee requires specific information from every donor, including:

  • Name
  • Mailing Address
  • Individual’s occupation and employer
  • Election designation
  • Donation amount and date
  • Election cycle-to-date individual fundraising total

Donorbox allows political campaigns and organizations to customize donation forms with disclaimers, campaign limits, and required donor questions. Fundraising campaigns can also be tracked and analyzed to provide necessary reports to the FEC on individual donations and cycle-to-date fundraising totals. For more information on Donorbox’s template and FEC filing, check out our FEC Filing Checklist.

What fundraising tools does Donorbox offer to political fundraisers?

Donorbox’s political fundraising software makes it easy for political campaigns and organizations to solicit and track recurring gifts, suggest donation amounts, and sell tickets to your next event

If you don’t have a website, you can also create a customized webpage hosted by Donorbox to tell your story and raise money for your campaign. Plus, reach supporters where they are and collect cashless donations with text-to-give campaigns, QR codes, and Donorbox Live™ Kiosk at any location on the campaign trail.

Can political action committees fundraise through Donorbox?

Yes! Donorbox’s political fundraising software is perfect for PACs. Donorbox lets you limit contributions on donor forms and makes it easy to collect recurring funds to keep supporters involved.

PACs can also use Donorbox Crowdfunding, Peer-to-Peer, Memberships, and Text-to-Give to reach more individuals and raise more funds. In addition, Donorbox’s FEC filing checklist and other templates help PACs remain compliant with legal standards.

How can I sign up as a political organization on Donorbox?

It’s quick and easy to sign up for our political fundraising platform! Follow the steps to set yourself up as a political campaign or committee on Donorbox’s quick sign-up form. Select your campaign subcategory, type, and party affiliation. Then, submit your EIN, contact details, and other information.

Unbox the world’s most donor-friendly political fundraising platform

Ready to increase political donations with Donorbox?
