Fundraising made easy for your Weebly site

Live ExampleFree to startFundraising made easy for your Weebly site

One-stop solution for raising donations on Weebly

No coding expertise required to integrate Donorbox with your Weebly website.
Easily bring the best donation experience to your donors.

Make your donation form visible by directly embedding it on your Weebly site

  • Simply copy-and-paste code on your Weebly website builder.
  • Customize the donation form to match your website theme and branding.
  • Suggest most effective donation amounts within your donation form.
  • Highlight your best recurring donation interval.
  • Offer multiple currency, language and payment options.
  • Ask custom questions and collect important donor information
  • Add the option for donors to cover the processing fees.
Live ExampleMake your donation form visible by directly embedding it on your Weebly site

Place a clear donation button on your Weebly website - offer a single click to donate!

  • Take donors to your secure donation page or a pop up donation form with a single click.
  • Customize your donation button color and size.
  • Add a compelling call-to-action on the donation button.
  • Place your donation button in fundraising outreach posts or emails.
Live ExamplePlace a clear donation button on your Weebly website - offer a single click to donate!

Optimized to increase your Weebly donations

Your fundraising success is our priority. That is why we built features to bring you an all round fundraising tool.

Powerful Form Builder

Powerful Form Builder

Use our new form builder to create customized fundraising campaigns within minutes.

Security Donation Software

Security Donation Software

Our donation forms are secured by SSL/TLS and are PCI compliant. Enabled with fraud detection, we never store any bank information.

Easy Donor Management

Easy Donor Management

Manage your donors easily! Use advanced donor filters, communication records, get notified of donor activities and more.

Complete with features for successful Weebly fundraising

Responsive designs

Mobile responsive donation forms are all-important today. Easily optimize your donation form to function perfectly on various devices.

Responsive designs

Goal meter

Build anticipation toward your fundraising goal by adding a goal meter next to your donation form. Easily share your progress while encouraging your supporters to give.

Goal meter

Donor wall

Enable a donor wall and easily recognize your donors. Honoring your donors goes a long way in building strong donor relationships!

Donor wall

How to Add a Donation Form to Your Weebly Website


Trusted by world-changers big and small

Donorbox hit everything we were required in our fundraising software, plus your platform incorporated features we asked for in our early discussions. Now we are seeing everything we wanted and these modifications are more ice cream on the pie.

Austin Meadows

La plataforma de recaudación de fondos elegida por las organizaciones sin fines de lucro exitosas

US$ 3K mills.
Donaciones recaudadas
Campañas de donación
Organizaciones que confían en nosotros
Países apoyados
Comienza a recaudar fondos en solo 15 minutos